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Ways To Help

Right now, the biggest thing to help us is to share Greyson's story and the importance of *EXPANDED* genetic testing before becoming pregnant. Adam and I are both back in school working towards our BSN -to become registered nurses and share our experience with other families and help families like ours in their own journeys.

Below are the links to our families GoFundMe and other donation sites. We are using the funds now to create The Greyson Kent Foundation. Our goal is to spread awareness, provide comfort items, help educate about Tay-Sachs and other rare diseases. We are also working hard help other families like ours, so no one ever feels alone. I am working on an amazon wishlist to adopt a family this Christmas in honor of Greyson too. Check back for that list soon!

I also included three of our favorite organizations if you are looking to donate in honor of 

Greyson. These three organizations have helped our family SO much over the past 18 months.

NTSAD works hard to fund research to find a cure for these amazing children and adults who

are affected by these rare diseases, BBrave helped us tremendously to stay afloat with monthly

expenses, and Lightz Of Hope was Greyson's absolute favorite toy after his diagnosis. We still 

turn his lights on every night in hopes he can see them from Heaven.

Thank you so much for helping our family and loving our son. It truly means more to Adam

and I than we can ever put into words.

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